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Nitrospirota Population Genomics

My research focuses on the use of bioinformatics to investigate the poorly characterized metabolic capabilities of Nitrospirae bacteria inhabiting oxygen-poor subseafloor crustal fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank.

Gene Expression in Beluga Whales 

This project from 2015 sought to Â—compare the molecular immune response of belugas in the wild to those kept in human care by  analyzing gene expression from blood samples via the use of biomarkers to detect gene responses to immune “stressors”.

Elucidating the microbial community of Tedania ignis (Caribbean fire sponge)

The fire sponge (Tedania ignis) is ubiquitously found around the shallow waters of the Caribbean and are known to filter large quantities of seawater, which make them high microbial abundant sponges! Sponge samples taken from around Bermuda were analyzed in 2014 to determine microbial community composition and abundance. 

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